Sunday, August 21, 2011

What is Viking Death Metal???

Well, I'm so glad you asked!
Viking Death Metal melds lyrical conent revolving around Norse Mythology with the extreme metal genre Death Metal, or most commonly, Melodic Death Metal. Death Metal employs deep gowls from the vocalist, while the guitars play fast, drop-tuned, scales. The drums normally play fast double bass lines with heavy emphasis on the china crash cymbal and the ride cymbal and ride bell.
Death metal varies greatly. the most common sub-genre is Melodic Death Metal, or commonly called Melo-Death.
The most common bands in Viking Metal are Amon Amarth and Ensiferum. Amon Amarth tend to stick with slower, and heavier sounding beat with long, slow vocal growls, where as Ensiferum uses fast thrash metal speeds with low and high screams. Both stand out as exceptional bands that put a great twist to the dulled down Death Metal genre.

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