Thursday, October 20, 2011

Style Mapping

From author to author, the style of writing changes, from musical to harsh and abrupt, from denotative to connotative. In the literary piece Stardust, author Neil Gaiman uses words that are not exactly fancy.The words he uses come from a lower point on the graph and are on the "common" side. Although, the use of words such as "taciturn" and "stocky" shift the graph to the lower right. In Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian, McCarthy uses a higher vocabulary. His graph would be towards the top and to the right towards the more Harsh and elevated grouping of words. He uses words like "sacristy", "deadcart", and "cantina". Finally, In George R. R. Martin's A Game of Thrones, the words used are very fancy and elaborate and give great detail. His graph would be in the upper right as well, bu tit would be higher than McCarthy's point. It is easy to see, each writer has their own style that is unique to them. From Gainman, to McCarthy, to Martin, they are all different.

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